"BOO YEAH" - The Game Sports Podcast, powered by 91N, sponsored by Flawless Roofing Sure Seal Inc. Hosted by Co-Founder of "The Game" David McCaig Jr. Dave rides solo in the first segment talking getting into the World Series preview, Blue Jays worst trade in history with the Strike Zone Segment. IN the second segment Justin Hykel joins Dave to talk NFL week 8, "pick em" for the week and the Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift (Travor Swift) saga in the In The Pocket segment. 0:00 - 23:00 - World Series and Blue Jays were Fools 23:00 - 34:20 - Sport Blitz - NHL, NBA, Knicks and Curling 34:20 - 1:07:30 - In The Pocket + "Travor Kwift" Strike Zone segment is sponsored by Flawless Roofing Sure Seal Inc. In The Pocket segment is sponsored by Sportscenter Bar and Grill. Streams available on Spotify, Apple, Amazon and Google Podcasts.
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The Game Sports Show’s Special Edition Uploaded presented featuring Canadas most treasured Sports Host James Duthie! James gets into talking about Memo, acting, commercials,...